New! Slimming World chocolate cake

 If you love chocolate, you don't have to give up your favorite sweets to lose weight. Served with a dollop of Slimming World custard, this Slimming World chocolate cake is a dreamy dessert with a moist, fluffy sponge and a rich chocolate flavor.

Slimming World chocolate cake

5 Syns per serving

prepared in 30 minutes

serves 8

veggie lover

What you really want:

5 separated medium eggs, 

50 grams of caster sugar,

 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 

60 grams of self-raising flour, 

30 grams of cocoa powder,

 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, 

25 grams of milk chocolate,

 250 grams of Slimming World custard

What you do:

1. Pre-heat the oven to 190°C, 170°F, and 5°F.

2. Baked in parchment paper, line a 20 x 20-inch pan. Turn off the heat and place a large heatproof bowl over a pot of boiling water, ensuring that it does not touch the water. Beat the sugar and egg whites in a bowl until stiff peaks form.

3. Whisk the egg yolks and vanilla extract in the bowl for two to three minutes until they are glossy and thick. Using a metal spoon, remove the bowl from the pan and add the flour, baking powder, and cocoa powder.

4. Shake the tin a little to level it out before pouring the mixture into it. Allow to cool slightly after baking for 10 to 12 minutes, or until the sponge is risen and set.

5. Melt the chocolate simultaneously in a heatproof bowl over simmering water, making sure the bowl does not touch the water. Stir occasionally. Equitably sprinkle the dissolved chocolate over the wipe and pass on it to somewhat cool. Make the Slimming World custard according to our instructions while it is cooling. Cut the wipe into 8 equivalent divides and present with the hot custard.
